The ear is a vital organ
of the human body. Ear is responsible for hearing and balance. However, like
every other body organ, ears also can get damaged and injured. To treat any
damage, injury or any other deformities in the ear, people can do ear surgery in Bangalore.
Ears are precious as 40
percent of the information provided by our senses is auditory in origin. Ears
have another important function aside from hearing, which is keeping the
balance of the body.
Ears also affect the
appearance of a person. Facial symmetry, including ears, is a good indicator of
attractiveness to the opposite genders. Ears give the face the right frame and
makes a person look appealing and pleasing.
However, ears could also
be damaged, can get injured, or become deformed. Like most other body parts,
ears are also subject to ageing. Some defects in the structure of the ears
could be present from childbirth. From an aesthetic point of view, ears frame
the face, which means droopy ears can be embarrassing and makes it harder to
wear earrings. Hence to get the ear shape to a perfect normal shape and size,
many people around the globe take help from ear surgery.
The ear surgery helps
create a natural shape and bring balance and proportion to the face. Cosmetic
ear surgery, also known as otoplasty, is a procedure to change the shape,
position or size of the ears.
Cosmetic ear surgery is
typically done on both ears to optimize symmetry. Cosmetic ear surgery does not
change the location of the ears or alter the ability to hear in a person, and
is considered to be very safe and secure amongst health experts. With cosmetic
ear surgery the ears appear to be natural in shape, size, and symmetry.
People who have damaged
or abnormal ears suffer from a drop in their self confidence levels. But ear
surgery can help a person find back their self-confidence. Hence people who have
any deformities in their ears and want to look good can make use of cosmetic ear
surgery in Bangalore. ANEW is a trusted and experienced care centre that
expertise in ear surgery and has many satisfied patients.